OPERATION HAIL STORM is almost here!
I know you can hardly wait! Yes, Operation Hail Storm is almost here. It is currently going through it's final proofing process and then it will be released out to the world. How could humanity continue on with
OPERATION HAIL STORM. Never fear... Marshall Hail and his kids will save humanity. The cover you are looking at is a little something I whipped together. No way of knowing what it will look like once the publisher is done with it, but I hope it looks at least as good at this. Yes, as you can tell, this is the CLASSROOM EDITION. This YA friendly version has no profanities other than the word "ass". Is "ass" actually a profanity? I'm sorry to even ask. I don't want to make and ass of myself. The adult version has more cuss'in and kiss'in and more sexy stuff. I can't wait to see how HAIL STORM looks on the big screen. Come and get it Hollywood!